Fr. Charles Ramirez
Dear Friends,
OLA has always had a special place in my heart. The wonderful spirit of welcome and hospitality implemented by Msgr. Barry continues to grow here. I’m forever grateful to Father Tom for his dedicated service to implement collaborative ministry here at OLA. I embrace OLA’s leadership structure that asks us to share our “collective wisdom” in meeting the challenges and opportunities that we face as a faith community.
My desire is that OLA be a haven of “spiritual rest” for those most in need of renewal, to help them draw closer to God. I remember that Msgr. Barry once told me “the times of inconvenience in ministry are the best times.”
Here’s a little personal history: My association with Our Lady of the Assumption began in the summer of 1984, when I was a seminarian. Monsignor Barry hired me that summer to work with the youth group.I had just completed the first year of a five-year term at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo. I was ordained on September 5, 1987, by Cardinal Mahony at St. Vibiana Cathedral. My first assignment was Nativity Church in El Monte with Msgr. Peter O’Reilly as my pastor. In July 1, 1991, I was assigned back here to Our Lady of Assumption as associate and stayed until October, 1996. The next three months, I was administrator of Our Lady of Presentation in South Central, Los Angeles. During my three month tenure, I applied for the position of pastor at Immaculate Conception in Monrovia and was assigned there on January 1, 1997. Every parish I have served has had a Marian theme, and I feel our Blessed Mother has wrapped her protective mantle around me and my ministry.
I was raised in Azusa and attended elementary school at St. Frances of Rome in Azusa. I graduated from Damien High School (formerly Pomona Catholic Boys High School). I graduated from Cal Poly University. My career before priesthood was that of a TV news reporter from Palm Springs to Sacramento. I’m the eldest of five children and I have a twin sister , Cindy, who lives in Yorba Linda. I have two sisters in Claremont, Rochelle Armijo and Yolanda Maldonado, a local realtor. My brother Ron and his wife Melia live in Alta Loma.
My desire is that OLA be a haven of “spiritual rest” for those most in need of renewal, to help them draw closer to God. I remember that Msgr. Barry once told me “the times of inconvenience in ministry are the best times.”
Here’s a little personal history: My association with Our Lady of the Assumption began in the summer of 1984, when I was a seminarian. Monsignor Barry hired me that summer to work with the youth group.I had just completed the first year of a five-year term at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo. I was ordained on September 5, 1987, by Cardinal Mahony at St. Vibiana Cathedral. My first assignment was Nativity Church in El Monte with Msgr. Peter O’Reilly as my pastor. In July 1, 1991, I was assigned back here to Our Lady of Assumption as associate and stayed until October, 1996. The next three months, I was administrator of Our Lady of Presentation in South Central, Los Angeles. During my three month tenure, I applied for the position of pastor at Immaculate Conception in Monrovia and was assigned there on January 1, 1997. Every parish I have served has had a Marian theme, and I feel our Blessed Mother has wrapped her protective mantle around me and my ministry.
I was raised in Azusa and attended elementary school at St. Frances of Rome in Azusa. I graduated from Damien High School (formerly Pomona Catholic Boys High School). I graduated from Cal Poly University. My career before priesthood was that of a TV news reporter from Palm Springs to Sacramento. I’m the eldest of five children and I have a twin sister , Cindy, who lives in Yorba Linda. I have two sisters in Claremont, Rochelle Armijo and Yolanda Maldonado, a local realtor. My brother Ron and his wife Melia live in Alta Loma.
As of July 1, 2023 I will retire as pastor of OLA and move into serving as Pastor Emeritus.
Yours in the love of Christ,
Father Charles J. Ramirez
Yours in the love of Christ,
Father Charles J. Ramirez