Together in Mission
For over 20+ years, the annual Together in Mission appeal has invited all Catholics to help the poorest parishes and schools in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. This amazing program has supported the mission and ministry of the Catholic Church in neighborhoods where it is desperately needed. In other words, our gift literally keeps the doors open for worship and the celebration of sacraments, for education in the faith and building community.
Every parish is assigned a goal equal to 10% of its income. This year, OLA’s goal is $140,400. Parishioners may give a one-time gift or make a pledge of payments over time. Statements will be mailed each month from the Archdiocese.
Fill out an envelope at Mass noting Together in Mission any weekend and place it in the collection basket, pick up a form at the parish office, or go online to (Parish Code is 467). Be assured that Together in Mission is among the best ways to directly help our brothers and sisters in Christ right here at home.
Here's a story telling how TIM makes a difference for real people...
A previous Together in Mission speaker was, Maria Jimenez, who has a lifetime of experience with Catholic schools. She has been principal of St. Madeleine School in Pomona for nine years. Before that assignment, she taught in Catholic schools for 25 years. She was also a student at Catholic schools since the age of 5. This represents 50 years in Catholic education.
Her commitment to Catholic education came from her parents who sent six through parochial schools with financial assistance. Parents at St. Madeleine’s are equally committed.
“Fully 99 percent of our students receive some form of financial aid,” she says. “The families dream of sending the first member of their family to college. Their commitment means working two or three jobs, and donating many items the school cannot afford on its slim budget, such as office supplies, water and juice, sports equipment, even toilet paper.”
Families at St. Madeleine’s come from Pomona where rents are surprisingly high, she notes. About 30 of the 100 families qualify for financial assistance from the Archdiocese which means income as low as $20,000 for a family of four. All of the families struggle with traditional fundraising, so most of the school events are “community building,” she adds.
She is deeply grateful to OLA for its generous contribution to Together in Mission which keeps the doors of St. Madeleine open to serve these families.