LITURGY: The work of the people…
Where might YOU fit into Liturgical Ministry at OLA??
At OLA, our liturgies are planned by a team of parishioners who represent nearly hundreds of liturgical ministers. During the pandemic, many of these have served faithfully for months on the front line to serve at outdoor public Masses or at live-streamed Masses.
This doesn’t just happen – it is the work of the people - many people. Would YOU consider being one of them?
Our Lady of the Assumption Church provides many opportunities to serve as liturgical ministers. More information about individual ministries is available in the menu to the right. If you are interested in a liturgical ministry, please use this application form. Or contact the parish office at (909) 626-3596.
Mary Muñoz, Director of Liturgy and Music
Desk: (909) 626-3596 Ext 4263
— Catechism of the Catholic Church
Liturgical ministers, Click here for Online Ministry Scheduler Login