Adult Confirmation

Registrations for Adult Confirmation 2023-2024 is now open! Classes will begin in October. You may register HERE.  


OLA’s Adult Confirmation Process

OLA’s adult Confirmation process strives to encourage active Catholic adults during this time of development to share their personal stories and interact with others as they are invited to more clearly identify and understand how God is working in their lives. Through this process, they are presented with opportunities to come to a deeper realization of their faith and ways to live it out in the context of daily life and the parish community.


As each person's journey is unique, we encourage each person to discern how the Lord is calling them as they prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Keeping that in mind, we welcome people to start their preparation at any time during the year. Together, we will grow and discern the readiness of each candidate. For questions, you may contact the Adult Formation Coordinator at [email protected]