Eucharistic Ministers

An Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion distributes Holy Communion, as a minister of the host, or minister of the cup at Mass, or carries the host to the sick, homebound, or hospitalized. Special ministers of the Body and Blood of Christ are to help, by their service and example, to build up the Eucharistic worship of the Church. Their service is given to the sacrament "of immense love" which Christ has given to the whole Church.

The invitation to be a special minister of communion is extended to the man or woman who is following the way of Christian life, faith and morals. The Church well understands human weakness. It recognizes that we all sometimes fall short in our efforts to follow the Lord. Yet the Church calls those who would serve in this special ministry to be persons recognized for their Christian life, faith, and morals in the words of the instruction, "Let not one be chosen whose selection may cause scandal among the faithful." The minister of communion is called to be "an example to the other faithful by piety and reverence for the most holy sacrament of the altar."

There are circumstances in which it would be inappropriate for a person to assume the ministry, such as the following:
  • Persons who are not validly married in the church (married with the "catholic form" of marriage);
  • Persons living together before marriage;
  • Persons having a problem involving alcohol or drugs;
  • Persons whose work or other activities are not in keeping with Christian values or Christian morality.
For more information, please contact Christine Hayes-Shaner at [email protected].

NOTE – In order to assure the safety of all children and to promote a greater sense of awareness: ALL Liturgical Ministers over 18 years of age must attend the Archdiocesan Protecting God's Children class and be fingerprinted prior to serving at Our Lady of the Assumption.