Sign-ups have concluded. You may still bring a donation to the OLA parish office marked for "Adopt-A-Family." Or contact the agencies directly.
A. OLA’s St. Vincent de Paul program has 10 families in need of a sponsor to make their Christmas a real celebration. Please email Olga Anglin at [email protected] to join this community effort or leave a message at the OLA parish office at (909) 626-3596.
B. NOTE: The Pomona Valley Regional Center is reaching out for adoption for 50 families. You may call or email Caitlin (Ambord) Peterson at (909) 550-9814 or [email protected] for details.
C. Don’t delay! If you would like to make a simple donation to these programs, you may mail or bring it to the parish office.
D. Families served by Uncommon Good: You may provide gift cards to struggling families to shop themselves, or donate wrapped gifts for each family member and food for Christmas dinner. Due to the COVID-19 health crisis, there will be some changes to our program this year. Below are different options for adopting families.
- Digital Adopt-a-Family: The donor provides gift cards (no physical items) to families based on a gift card wish list of retailers. Cards can be delivered to the family or delivered to OLA or Uncommon Good for distribution. Please do not mail cards.
- Online Shopping: the donor purchases gifts for a family from an Amazon wish list or registry from Target or similar store. All items delivered directly to the family.
- Traditional Adopt-a-Family: The donor receives a family wish list of needed and wanted items, shops, wraps gifts, and drops off gifts to family or at Uncommon Good/OLA for distribution.
If you wish to receive a donation receipt for your 2021 tax-deductible contributions, please provide us with receipts for all purchases. If you have any questions, please email
Carlos Carrillo, Educational Programs Director
Email Carlos
Uncommon Good
211 West Foothill Blvd
Claremont, CA 91711
(909) 625-2248