Allow me to introduce myself as OLA's Communications Coordinator. My responsibilities include editing the weekly parish bulletin, monitoring the parish website, helping parish ministries and organizations with the promotion of events and programs, and creating communication plans for the parish and its various entities.
I am here to help you reach your target audience with timely and engaging promotions that build the success of your organization or your event. Please see the more detailed Guidelines for Promotion at right.
Over the course of nearly 40 years in the parish, raising a family and working as a parish volunteer, I had the privilege of serving in many of the ministries at OLA, including marketing for the school. This broad experience has served me well in assisting with communications in all aspects of parish life. I became bulletin editor as a volunteer for five years beginning in 2001. Later I joined the OLA staff, participated in the formation of our current Pastoral Council and Leadership Model, and contributed to the successful launch of our Capital Campaign.
OLA is truly my spiritual home, and its parishioners like members of my family. My current work is a labor of love for an exceptional faith community. Soon I will be enlisting help in writing a comprehensive history of the parish in anticipation of its 75th anniversary in 2022. Please contact me if this project interests you... there is plenty to do!