Walk for the Hungry and Homeless

Virtual Sept. 1-30, 2021 
The 48th Annual Walk for the Hungry and Homeless will once again be a virtual event allowing participants to Walk/Run/Skip/Hop/Bike anywhere from September 1-30. Raise funds with your family and friends and give back to help feed the hungry and shelter the homeless in our local communities. At OLA, you may pick up a "walker" form at the parish office, or leave a donation check payable to "IVHP." Deacon Jim Allgaier will be sure to get all donations to Hope Partners. Click link below for printable online form.
Don't forget to visit our Pledge It page and make a donation today or mail checks to 1753 N. Park Ave. Pomona, CA 91768. Click here to download a printable event flyer and pledge form.
Questions, Comments, or Concerns.
Have any questions, comments, or concerns, contact Autumn Washington, Director of Development and Communications, at AutumnW@InlandValleyHopePartners.org or call
(909) 622-3806 ex. 105.