Stop Human Trafficking

Three ways you can  help during January, Human Trafficking Awareness month:

Free Book:


Learn more about what you can do! Between January 15th and 19th the book "How You Can Fight Human Trafficking: Over 100 Ways to Make a Difference" will be available for free as an e-book (Kindle) download. On those dates just select Kindle, then underneath Kindle Limited select $4.99 to buy, and the amount will come up as 0 (zero). 

Write to the California governor:

In January, in California, the governor will be asked to sign a bill to prohibit law enforcement from citing loitering as evidence of sex work. .  This bill will pave the way for the complete legalizing of prostitution in CA, not just street prostitution.  In every country where prostitution has been legalized, human trafficking increased dramatically.  The majority of victims who are involved in street prostitution are from the black community.   We are asking you to join us in protecting our brothers and sisters in the black community in two ways.  One is to sign the letter by “clicking” on the link below and the second way is to attend the event on January 29th.  Time is of the essence for the letter, so please sign this and share this email with people in California as soon as you can.


Register for powerful January 29th Event:

There is a big push right now to legalize prostitution in many states.For our first event of 2022, we will cover all the reasons why the anti-human trafficking community and the church do not want to see prostitution legalized. One of the arguments that advodates for legalizing prostitution are using is the claim that we need to legalize prostitution in order to stop victimizing the Black community. For that reason, our event on January 29th includes a panel of both pastors and community leaders form the Black community who will be sharing how much legalizing prostitution will hurt the Black community. You can register for that event here.