
So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.

Matthew 19:6

We congratulate you for wanting to take this step, one of the most important steps of your lives, to get married. We are here to welcome you and help you prepare for a holy, life-long marriage, a following of Jesus, and a being sent by him to minister to others as a pair. The first thing to do is to call and make an appointment through the OLA office. At that first appointment, Deacon Bob & Kathy Steighner will explain the requirements for marriage here at OLA. One of the requirements is an interview, which begins the marriage preparation process. The interview can take place at the first appointment, or you may wait and make a second appointment. If the interview reveals that everything is in order (and it almost always does), a date may be set. You may request any priest or deacon, here at OLA or from outside the parish, to preside at your wedding. A donation of $800, $200 of which is given as a non-refundable deposit when the date is reserved, is requested for the marriage preparation process and wedding. An additional $150 covers the services of a wedding coordinator.

Contact the parish office at (909) 626-3596 ext. 0 to make an appointment or for more information about planning your wedding.

Music for Wedding Masses
Music can help add to the beauty of this truly wonderful sacrament. Follow this link to find some music suggestions to help make your nuptial Mass a unique reflection of you and your future spouse:
Marriage Prep and Mentor Couples

The intimate community of life and love which constitutes the married state has been established by the Creator and endowed by him with its own proper laws... God himself is the author of marriage.
(Gadium et spes, 48:1)

As Catholics, we are called to share our faith with others. OLA's Marriage Preparation and Mentor Couple Ministry offers married couples an opportunity to help engaged couples prepare for marriage in the Catholic Church. Research shows that when couples receive quality marrige preparation, their first five years of marriage are significantly better. At a time when half of all marriages end in divorce, it is essential that we help our engaged couples learn the skills they'll need to build a strong marriage. The added benefit for our mentor couples is the opportunity to join a community of other couples who value their marriage and are interested in sharing their experience with others.

  • Attend the initial eight-hour couple training, and participate in ongoing training when available
  • Meet with an engaged couple 3-5 times in the six months prior to their wedding
  • Attend mentor couple ministry meetings periodically
  • Communicate regularly with the mentor couple ministry coordinators

  • Be married in the Catholic Church for at least five years
  • Be a loving, caring example of a living Catholic marriage
  • Have a desire to welcome engaged couples to our parish faith community
  • Be open to answer questions to the best of your ability, and be willing to help find answers
  • Be willing to pray for and with the engaged couples

Mentor couples are asked to make a two-year commitment to the ministry... It could be the most rewarding two years of your marriage!

For information about the mentoring program, contact
Deacon Bob and Kathy Steighner by email.