Pastoral Care to the Sick/Homebound

Mission of Pastoral Care Ministers

The mission of the Pastoral Care Ministry is to bring the spiritual community of Our Lady of the Assumption to those who are unable to physically join us. We are sent forth guided by the Holy Spirit to make the Good News present and alive to our brothers and sisters through Word and Sacrament, hospitality, prayer for healing, and service.

Functions of a Minister

To minister to the faithful who are unable to attend Mass and are deprived of their place in the Eucharistic community by:
Bringing the Word, Eucharist, and community's embrace to them;
Representing the community by carrying our love, prayers, and concerns to them;
Transporting consecrated hosts in a reverent and safe manner;
Being present to those you visit by sharing their faith journey;
Bringing the needs of the sick person back to the larger community.
Ministers must be baptized and confirmed active members of the worshipping community; Ministers must attend training; Ministers must be willing to attend Archdiocesan workshops, as well as periodic parish meetings and formation sessions.

To serve for one year with an option to renew annually; depending on assignment, to serve once weekly or monthly.

Join the Ministry!
If you are interested in becoming a Pastoral Care Minister, please email Bruce Dane.

"To me, the Gospel doesn't go on a shelf. My life must be a mirror of my understanding that we are all the Body of Christ." (OLA Minister)

"What a fantastic program!" (Parishioner homebound by injury)

"Sharing a sense of gratefulness in my ministry is much like sharing a smile – both giver and recipient are reminded of the goodness of the Lord showered upon us." (OLA Minister)

"Here is a real service to those who are unable to attend Mass on Sunday. This caring program enables me to stay connected to the larger OLA Community. I am deeply grateful." (Parishioner, homebound by illness)

"What do I enjoy most about this ministry? Seeing a smile and receiving the gratitude of the people I serve. The blessings that I receive as a result of this ministry make all the effort worthwhile." (OLA Minister)

NOTE – In order to assure the safety of all children and to promote a greater sense of awareness: ALL Liturgical Ministers over 18 years of age must attend the Archdiocesan Protecting God's Children class and be fingerprinted prior to serving at Our Lady of the Assumption.